
AM Soft Labels refer to a type of anti-theft label used in retail environments to prevent shoplifting and reduce inventory losses. These labels are designed to be attached to products, packaging, or store displays, and they activate an alarm if an item passes through a security gate without being deactivated or removed at the point of sale.

Key Features:

  1. AM Technology:
    • AM stands for Acousto-Magnetic. AM is a common technology used for anti-theft systems, where soft labels utilize a specific frequency to interact with security gates at store exits.
    • These labels respond to the electromagnetic fields created by AM security systems (gates), triggering an alarm if not deactivated at checkout.
  2. Soft Design:
    • The term soft typically refers to the flexible, lightweight nature of the label. These labels are typically made from soft, non-rigid materials, making them less intrusive and easy to apply to products, especially fragile or delicate items.
    • Soft labels are often used in clothing, books, cosmetics, and other retail products that may be sensitive to hard, rigid security tags.
  3. Usage:
    • Retail Theft Prevention: AM Soft Labels are commonly used in stores to prevent theft without damaging the products.
    • Non-Intrusive: Their flexibility and soft nature allow for easy attachment to products without altering the appearance or causing damage, which is especially important for high-end products or items with delicate packaging.
    • Reusable: Many AM soft labels are designed to be reusable. Once deactivated or removed at checkout, they can be re-applied to new products.
  4. Appearance:
    • These labels are typically small and adhesive, designed to be discreet and not to interfere with the product’s packaging or presentation.
  5. Security Systems:
    • Acousto-Magnetic (AM) Anti-theft Systems, which typically consist of the labels (tags) and security gates (or sensors) at store exits.
    • When an item with an active AM label passes through the gate, it triggers an alarm, alerting store staff to a potential theft.
  6. Advantages:
    • Minimal Impact on Product Presentation: Since they are soft and flexible, they don’t affect the product’s aesthetic appearance, which is a key benefit for retail displays.
    • Easy to Remove: At checkout, cashiers can easily deactivate or remove the AM soft labels without causing damage to the product.
    • Cost-Effective: AM systems and soft labels are relatively affordable and efficient in reducing losses due to theft.

Where AM Soft Labels Are Used:

  1. Apparel Stores: They are commonly used on clothing and accessories.
  2. Cosmetic Stores: Soft labels are used on cosmetic products, where hard tags may not be suitable.
  3. Pharmacies and Grocery Stores: On smaller items or products with delicate packaging.
  4. Electronics: AM labels are used for small electronics and accessories.
  5. Bookstores: Often used on books, where a hard tag might damage the cover or pages.

Deactivation and Removal:

  • At the point of sale, the soft label must be deactivated or removed using specialized deactivation or detaching devices. This prevents the alarm from triggering when the product is taken past the exit.

Alternative Technologies:

While AM soft labels are popular, other anti-theft technologies are also in use, such as:

  • RF (Radio Frequency) Tags: Another commonly used technology for electronic article surveillance.
  • RFID (Radio Frequency Identification): More advanced than RF, RFID tags can store data and be used for inventory tracking in addition to theft prevention.

AM soft labels are effective for retail security, providing a discreet, efficient method for preventing theft while preserving the integrity of products.

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